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Article: A coding variant in TMC8 (EVER2) is associated with high risk HPV infection and head and neck cancer risk.

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Liang C; Kelsey KT; McClean MD; Christensen BC; Marsit CJ; Karagas MR; Waterboer T; Pawlita M; Nelson HH
PLoS ONE, 2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0123716.t001 Demographic characteristics of cases and controls.
Characteristic Cases (n = 361) Controls (n = 414) P
Age (years) 59.7 ± 11.5 61.0 ± 11.6 0.11
Gender 0.77
Female 94 (26%) 103 (24.9%)
Male 267 (74%) 311 (75.1%)
Pack-years of tobacco use <0.0001
Never 62 (17.2%) 137 (33.1%)
0 to <20 60 (16.7%) 116 (28.0%)
> = 20 239 (66.2%) 161 (38.9%)
Alcohol consumption, average drinks per week <0.0001
<8 122 (37.9%) 239 (58.0%)
> = 8 200 (62.1%) 173 (42.0%)
Missing 39 2
HPV L1 serology Positive:Negative (%)
HPV16 70:291 (19%) 14:400 (3.4%) <0.0001
HPV18 43:318 (12%) 30:384 (7.2%) <0.04
HPV11 35:326 (9.7%) 17:397 (4.1%) <0.003
HPV31 37:324 (10.2%) 22:392 (5.3%) <0.01
HPV33 15:346 (4.2%) 9:405 (2.2%) <0.17
HPV35 33:328 (9.1%) 14:400 (3.3%) <0.001
HPV45 18:343 (5.0%) 12:402 (2.9%) <0.19
HPV52 19:342 (5.3%) 3:411 (0.7%) <0.0003
HPV58 20:341 (5.5%) 6:408 (1.4%) <0.003
Tumor sites
Oral 148 (41.0%)
Pharynx 148 (41.0%)
Larynx 65 (18.0%)

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